Theopoetic Reflections
Theopoetics is a helpful corrective on much of today's post-enlightenment theology, which attempts to systematically explicate faith and God.
Theopoetics appreciates metaphor to dynamically express divinity, humanity, and life.
Theopoetics values beauty, mystery, and humility as necessary components to theological inquiry.
Theopoetics is an illuminating conversation among kindred friends –
theology, imagination, philosophy,
aesthetics, and the arts.
At its essence, theopoetics – theo (god) and poiein (to make) – is a particular way of making God known. However, the result of theopoetics is something much better than dogma.
It is awe.
And wonder.
And gratitude.
And delight.
Although theopoetics is a fairly recent term, it is an ancient way of doing theology that encourages conversation, basks in beauty, and welcomes complexity. The reflections below are intentionally theopoetic reflections. Agree or disagree? No problem. Awe, wonder, gratitude, and delight? Yes please. Little else is as marvelous as dancing with words to try and fathom the ineffable. Enjoy.